Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Boxer faces another contender in her 2010 reelection race – Carly Fiorina

During a live web cast, Carly Fiorina announced her intention to run for the California Senate seat currently occupied by Democrat Barbara Boxer. However, she will have to make it through a tough primary race against fellow Republican Chuck DeVore.

Claiming to have a new lease on life after her nine-month battle with breast cancer, Fiorina stated that “Boxer isn’t so scary, after my chemo-therapy treatments.”

In a calm and determined manner Fiorina talked about the current economic crisis and understood that it was difficult to remain optimistic. “California faces historic unemployment levels and out-of-control spending,” she explained. “Instead of investing for growth in Washington, we get talk, partisanship and back room deals.”

What would a campaign speech be without targeting the opposition? “Boxer has been Senator for 17 years and she’s delivered three pieces of legislation; a name of a river, a name of a courthouse in Fresno and some seismic technology to the Bay Area. I guess one piece of legislation in 17 years isn’t so bad.”

This political jab will be a staple on the campaign trail for Fiorina.

However, Boxer’s prized jewel of her 17-year career will definitely be the Cap and Trade Bill she co-sponsors with Senator John Kerry-D-MA.

The 800-plus page Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act has already met with fierce opposition and is expected to garner few if any votes from the Republican side of the isle.

“We need simple logic and common sense when it comes to the environment. We can save the environment and protect jobs with innovation and entrepreneurs,” she explained.

Fiorina, who worked her way through the male-dominated technology sector with Hewlett Packard, pointed to her years of running a large corporation as her template to get Washington back onto the right track and give Californian’s the voice they deserve.

“D.C. needs to start with the obvious thing first – live within your means.”

Wasting no time on her first day of campaigning, Fiorina signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.

She also turned to a few issues her campaign will focus on. Audience favorite was the no new taxes, followed by additional funding for small businesses who didn’t receive any bailout money.

“We also need to look at our regulation framework. It’s been around for a century and it needs to fixed,” she explained.

If Fiorina is successful in her Republican primary race, she will face an incumbent who has been described by the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s Brian Walsh, as "Ineffective, polarizing and partisan."

With an even tone, Fiorina said, “She (Boxer) has taken the low road to reach higher office every election cycle.”

Sounds like Fiorina is ready to rumble.

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