Friday, December 4, 2009

Climategate gets a new name from cap and trade's author Boxer

In a major meltdown within the global warming community, emails were leaked before the up coming U.N. global warming summit in Copenhagen, rebuking the fact that climate change is nothing more than a hoax used to gin up political bases. That’s not the way Senator Barbara Boxer-D CA sees it; “You call it ‘Climate gate’; I call it ‘E-mail-theft-gate.”

Not exactly as catchy as climate gate, but nevertheless telling with how Senator Boxer feels about purported global warming pact. Boxer said she would like to see the e-mail hackers punished for their shenanigans and did not bother questioning the science behind the e-mails. “I’m looking at these e-mails that, even though they were stolen, are now out in the public.”

The e-mails in question were hacked from scientists at the University of East Anglia, England’s equivalent to NASA and know has disputed the facts contained in the emails. “Several thousand scientists have come to the conclusion that climate change is happening. I don't think that's anything that is, quite frankly, among most people, in dispute anymore,” said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs.

However, the unearthed e-mails quickly gave Republicans new hope in the battle to fight Senator Boxer’s prized cap and trade legislation.

Drafts of the technical documents and photos were discovered that could spark major debates in the world of science and administrations that are promoting economic policy based on the results of that scientific theory. For those who remain leery about whether the globe is actually warming or cooling, these documents could shed negative light within the scientific community.

However, it is revealing that the bulk of the emails were simply about how best to describe the cooling trend currently taking place and how it contradicts what researchers predicted in the past.

“It is unfortunate that Senator Boxer isn’t as equally interested in making sure all the facts about climate change are known as she is in e-mail hacking,” said Carly Fiorina who is challenging Boxer’s reelection for Senate. “Ironically, in 2008 she was very interested in leaked information about climate change when it helped support her own views and demanded at the time that all the facts become known – without regard for the process by which they came out. So the question to the Senator today is: what has changed now that the facts may not be as helpful as you would like them to be? Don’t the American people still deserve to know all the facts no matter what they are?”

“The bottom line is that, while the legal issues in this case merit a full investigation, Americans also deserve to know the truth, especially as Boxer continues to force job-killing ‘cap-and-trade’ legislation through the Senate,” Fiorina said is a statement.

In an effort to control the press at the U.N. Copenhagen meeting, the media coordinator for the United Nations' global warming summit said yesterday he is standing on his decision not to allow a World Net Daily senior reporter to cover the event. “This has been described as a key step in the founding of a one-world government,” according to WND.

In Gallop’s recent October poll, “it was released that more Americans believe in haunted houses than global warming,” argued Marc Morano an author who disagrees with global warming.

In response to the recent exposure of Britain’s e-mails, Chris Horner a fellow skeptic, filed a law suit against NASA asking them to disclose their data on global warming and climate information after NASA failed to comply with the ‘Freedom of Information Act’ requested by Horner.

In an added note former vice president Al Gore chimed in his two cents regarding the U.N. Copenhagen meeting in an interview with the Times Online, “I throw my weight behind calls for a system of international carbon taxes in order to slash fossil-fuel consumption.” Although he warned that huge political obstacles remain in place to establish this and it might be many years before a system could be applied globally. Gore also refuses to do his part in climate change and give up his habits like meat consumption, flying private jets around the world and using less energy in his mansion.

Perfect, more taxes and do as I say and not as I do.

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