Thursday, August 20, 2009

Repeal of E-Verify no-match rule hurts American workers

The Department of Homeland Security repealed the “no-match” rule which helps employers identify individuals who may be working in the U.S. illegally.

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith-R-TX, criticized DHS as the proposed rule was filed in the Federal Register.

According to Smith, the no-match letters are sent to the Social Security Administration (SSA) when an employer’s tax forms show names or social security numbers do not match what the SSA has in its files.

“This is just another decision by the Obama Administration to weaken immigration enforcement efforts that preserve jobs for legal workers,” Smith explains. “No match letters help employers who want to follow the law to identify employees that may be working in the U.S. illegally.”

According to Smith there are at least seven million illegal immigrants working in the U.S., taking jobs from Americans He contends that there are as many as 12.7 million Americans looking for jobs.

A recent Center for Immigration Study report flies in the face of the claim “Illegal immigrants do jobs Americans won’t take.”

According to the report, many jobs often thought to be overwhelming immigrant dominated fields are not. For example;

*Maids – 55 percent are native-born
*Taxi drivers and chauffeurs – 58 percent are native-born
*Butchers and meat processors – 63 percent are native-born
*Ground maintenance workers – 65 percent are native-born
*Construction laborers – 65 percent are native-born
*Porters, bellhops and concierges – 71 percent are native born
*Janitors – 75 percent are native-born

The national unemployment rate for native-born Americans is 9.5 percent while the broader U-6 measure was 16.3 percent or a total of 21.7 million unemployed American workers. The U-6 measure includes people who would like to work but have not looked for a job, as well as those working part-time involuntarily, according the CIS.

These numbers do not bode well for American citizens.

“By repealing the no-match rule, the administration is putting illegal immigrants before the best interests of the American people,” Smith said. “This proves that President Obama is not serious about reducing illegal immigration and saving jobs for American citizens.”

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